April 13, 2021
NIMHD Announces Winners of its First Health Equity Art Challenge
Adults and teens showcase art envisioning health equity to raise awareness about health disparities.
Many populations in America, whether defined by race, ethnicity, immigrant status, disability, sex, gender, or geography, experience higher rates of certain diseases and more deaths and suffering from them compared with the general population. While the diversity of the American population is one of the nation’s greatest assets, one of its greatest challenges is reducing the profound disparity in health status of its racial and ethnic minority, rural, low-income, and other underserved populations. Through its mission, NIMHD envisions an America in which all populations have an equal opportunity to live long and healthy lives.
In 2020, NIMHD celebrated its 10-year anniversary as an institute at NIH and to help commemorate this milestone the institute hosted its first Art Challenge. Teens and adults submitted original artwork to raise awareness about how we reach health equity.
“At NIMHD our vision is to promote health equity and we have been a leader in raising national awareness about the prevalence and impact of health disparities,” said NIMHD Director, Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable. “Our anniversary celebration provided an opportunity to hear from others by sponsoring the Envisioning Health Equity Art Challenge.”
“I was amazed by the passion and creativity displayed in each of the entries,” said Gina Roussos, Ph.D., the project lead for the Envisioning Health Equity Art Challenge. “I am excited for NIMHD to share these six talented artists with the world.”
With 70 entries from 25 states across the country and Puerto Rico, a panel of judges from NIMHD chose three winners in the teen and adult categories. Submissions were evaluated on their quality, originality, creativity, and representation of the Art Challenge theme of health equity.
You can view images of the artwork and learn more about the challenge on the NIMHD Envisioning Health Equity Art Challenge webpage.
First Place $3,500
Adult WinnerIn This Together
by Zarrin Tashnim, New York
Teen WinnerA Playground Is Just a Small City
by Larisa Kachko, Maryland
Second Place $2,500
Adult WinnerThe American Dream
by Kirandeep Kaur, California
Teen WinnerWorking Together to Bring Health For All
by Katie Bonilla, Georgia
Third Place $1,500
Adult WinnerHealthcare Access Pass
by Adam Vossen, California
Teen WinnerMedical Equality
by Arielle Clark, Maryland
Page updated July 13, 2021