Mental Health

Graphic: Blue square with white outline of 3 people holding hands

Although there are some variations with respect to individual mental health conditions, the overall prevalence of mental health problems is similar in racial and ethnic minorities and non-Hispanic Whites.1

Members of sexual and gender minorities (SGM) are more likely to have mental health problems than members of non-SGM populations.2

Individuals with mental health problems from racial and ethnic minority, low socioeconomic status, or rural populations are less likely than their more advantaged counterparts to receive mental health treatment.3

Mental Health Resources in Spanish

National Institute of Mental Health

Información sobre salud mental de NIMH en español (mental health information from NIMH in Spanish)


Información sobre salud mental de MedlinePlus (mental health information from MedlinePlus)


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HealthyPeople 2020 Midcourse Review: Mental Health and Mental Disorders. PDF (449 KB)
  2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Sexual Orientation and Estimates of Adult Substance Use and Mental Health: Results from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
  3. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Racial/Ethnic Differences in Mental health Service Use among Adults. PDF (1.2 MB)

Page updated July 9, 2024